
Monday 27 May 2019

Monday 27th 2019

I had to put some effort in today as this was the day when back in London Philippa completed her first (and probably last) 10k in a very respectable time.

The Kyle of Lochalsh railway line is often featured in lists of great railway journeys of the World. The rain of yesterday was gone and the tops were clear. The gorse and rhododendrons are in bloom providing a scene to dazzle even the most hardened traveller.

My objective was about 5 miles from Strathcarron Station and for a change, most of the way was on decent tracks. Creag Dubh Mhor maybe small for the region but it is a great hill from where to view the giants which are all around this part of Wester Ross. I enjoyed scrambling up and down the summit of the main hill and a couple of near neighbours and taking in the scenary.

Marilyns climbed 1. Total Marilyns 606
Distance walked today 20k. Total distance walked on trip 376k
Height climbed 800m today. Total height climbed on trip 19,215m
Soakings today - none!

1 comment:

  1. 376k walked altogether, that's massively impressive especially as so much of it is really difficult underfoot, very very well done!
